Learn about children’s activities, weekends, special events and more.
Dig In Sunday School
9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. in the Kid’s Kingdom Hall!
Preschool (3-5) in Narnia Room
K-3 grade in Ancient Kingdom
4-5 grade in Future Kingdom
Nursery Care begins at 8:15 a.m. – Noon, Sundays and is also available during most special events.

Digging Into the Life of Jesus leads kids in walking in Jesus’ footsteps from birth to resurrection to ascension. Kids don’t just learn about the historical Jesus; they get to know him personally. They’ll discover that Jesus is a real person—a real friend—who makes a difference in their lives today.  
Digging Into the Bible in One Year takes kids on a whirlwind journey from Genesis to Revelation. Kids experience a relationship with God through the eyes of ordinary Bible people. Kids will discover that they’re a lot like people God has always loved and worked through.  
Digging into the Heart of God brings a fresh approach to growing a lifelong relationship with God. As kids explore God’s character throughout the Bible, God transforms them from the inside out. Kids discover what it means to reflect the heart of God in everyday life.  


Digging Into Epic Teachings of the Bible explores the enduring lessons of the Old and New Testaments. Kids build a foundation that guides them in living God’s way. You’ll dig into Scripture such as the Fruit of the Spirit, Armor of God, and Psalm 23. Kids discover that the Bible matters and is a loving letter from a God who understands them.
Plan to have your children present for our wonderful Children’s Message every week during the worship services. At Second Service (11:00 a.m.) just after the Children’s Message, Children’s Church is offered. This involves a variety of activities – snacks, service, games, open play and always a bible message that includes a prayer using the kid’s very own joys and concerns ending in the Lord’s Prayer. We work to continue building up a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children. We do this by teaching our kids about the nature and character of God—that He is wise, generous, loving and good.
J.A.M.(Jesus And Me) meets every Wednesday at 6:00pm for kids K-5. Come join the fun with crafts, activities and experiential learning.

VBS is a yearly Christian learning experience for children. At Haysville UMC, we hold our event for a week during the summer. “The origins of Vacation Bible School can be traced back to Hopedale, Illinois in 1894. Sunday school teacher D. T. Miles, who also was a public school teacher, felt she was limited by time constraints in teaching the Bible to children. So, she started a daily Bible school to teach children during the summer. The first Bible school enrolled forty students and lasted four weeks. A local school was used for classes, while an adjoining park was used for recess” – Wikipedia
