Haysville United Women in Faith
HUWF gives the chance to connect with other women, whether or not you are a member of the Haysville UMC. There are small groups called circles which meet monthly and attendance provides opportunities for fellowship, education, service and Christian growth. There are regular fund raising projects that the women hold, such as candy sales in February and the annual Turkey Dinner in November. We also oversee a reading program. All women are welcome to join us!
UMW Exec. Board
Rebecca Circle
Mary Martha Circle
Alicia Crane
Patty Waters
Diana Hanley
Meets 2nd Wed, 4pm, at the church in Rm E1/2
Meets 3rd Thur, 1pm, at the church in Rm E1/2
Meets 3rd Thur, 6pm, at the church in Rm E1/2