Emergency Information and Waiver
Birth Date: ________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________________ Soc Sec #: ______________________________
(Only if no insurance card)
IF MINOR: I/We the signed below give permission for our/my son/daughter to travel and participate with the Haysville United Methodist Church Youth Program in addition to understanding the implied intent of the liability statement below.
Liability Statement
IF ADULT: I will Travel and participate with the Haysville United Methodist Church Youth Program. I waive any claim for liability or damages, provided reasonable precautions have been observed, against Haysville UMC, Haysville, Kansas, any of its employees, or any person or persons transporting or assisting in this activity for any damage or injury which may be sustained by me during or in transit to this activity. I further agree not to ever sue, assert or otherwise maintain any claim or cause of action incurred in connection with the events included in the yearly schedule for Youth activities at HUMC.
Employer __________________________________________ ___________________________________
Home Phone _______________________________________ ___________________________________
Work Phone ________________________________________ ___________________________________
Emergency Contact _______________________________________________________________________________________
Dosage: _______________________________________________ Frequency: ________________________________________
Medication currently taking or carrying: _________________________________________________________________________
Dosage: _______________________________________________ Frequency: ________________________________________
Medication currently taking or carrying: _________________________________________________________________________
Dosage: _______________________________________________ Frequency: ________________________________________