It’s Your Move
Set Up: Set up the laptop to the TV and begin the Fusion clips & slides three minutes before starting – Fusion clips last 8 min.
After the Fusion portion…
Say: All of us are different and have different Ideas. Fear of being different is a great hurdle to overcome when we are young. Tonight we are going to explore a little bit about the things that drive us away from God’s way. He has directions for all, it’s up to us to follow them. Christ is always there for us whether it’s fair, equal or not.
As we saw in the video clips, the parable of The Workers in the Field is a challenge for us. We all believe in equality. It’s a basis for good judgment. One of the biggest questions in Christianity is, “Why are repenting sinners (Even murderers) granted God’s grace.” That doesn’t seem fair after all your hard work.
Moving In
Needed: plain paper napkins, tape, and ballpoint pens
Say: I’m going to give each of you a napkin and a pen. Draw a picture or symbol that illustrates how you feel right now. Then, when you finish tape the drawing to the front of your shirt.
When everyone finishes have youth take turns sharing with each other the explanation of his or her napkin to the other members.
• What was difficult about drawing on a napkin?
• Was it fair for me to give you a hard task?
• How is the delicate nature of the napkin similar to our feelings?
Moving On
I’m Not Alone
Needed: Note card and a pencil
Say: Write one fact that no one else in this room knows about you. Make sure it’s something you don’t mind others knowing. For example, you could write, “I once had ten stitches in my chin.”
When everyone has finished, collect and shuffle the papers. Have students sit in a circle and each take a paper, preferably not his or her own.
Say: Now let’s play a game. Each of you will read aloud the paper you now hold. Then everyone will try to guess who wrote it.
Go around the circle until the group identifies who wrote each statement.
• What was difficult/easy about this game?
• Does this game change how you feel about others in the room? Why or why not?
• How is this activity like the way God knows you? How is it different?
• Do you think it’s fair that God is with you and knows everything about you?
• Is it fair for God to equally know everyone so well?
Moving Up
The Masks of Me
Needed: copies of the poem “Faces of Me” for readers
Find a good reader in the group and have him or her read the poem Faces of Me by Verne Becker.
Faces of Me
I am not really myself. I am someone else.
When others see me, to talk to me, they are talking to a stranger, not me.
I am kept hidden away, safe from discovery or attack, behind the cover of my masks.
Each day, sometimes knowingly sometimes not, as I sift through my closet choosing which clothes to wear, I also search my mask collection, carefully selecting the image I want to project.
Like an actor, I have learned to portray many roles, many faces, and many moods.
I use a different mask for each. Each mask represents something about me, the me I would like to be.
I put on a mask of happiness because I sincerely want to be happy.
I wear my social mask because I want friends to have fun with.
The self-sufficiency mask because I truly want to take charge of my life.
I know these goals are worthwhile and I view the masks as a way to help me reach those goals by putting my best foot forward. I want to be judged on an equal plane.
Something peculiar happens, however, as I continue wearing these masks.
They begin to feel too comfortable, natural and necessary.
I can go for weeks without removing them, as if they were extended-wear contact lenses that only require an occasional cleaning. It that fair to my self?
As I get used to my masks, I begin to believe they might really be me.
Yet, my true self lies dormant with me, isolated and forgotten.
So rather than bringing me closer to my goals, the masks alienate me from them.
Like a brick wall, the masks confine me. Isolate me. Hide me from other people and before long I realize I’m not what my mask says I am, it’s not fair.
When I put on the mask of conformity identifying me with a certain group, I’m really broadcasting my own lack of identity, my own uncertainty of who I am, my own misunderstanding of equality.
Or when I wear the mask of confidence refusing to admit weakness, mistakes or hurt, I’m telegraphing my own insecurity.
I have other masks that I maintain for use at the proper time:
– The mask of superiority to stare down inferior feelings I detect in others and in myself
– The mask of appearance to enhance my attractiveness to others so I’ll forget how ugly I think I am.
– The clown or the rowdy masks to gain the attention I can’t obtain otherwise
– The “totally together” mask to hide all my rough edges
– The mask of love to disguise an overly selfish relationship
– Even the mask of spirituality to silence all questions about my faith.
What should I do with all these masks?
I realize they have insulated me not only from other people but also from myself.
If indeed I want to be myself rather than someone else.
I must remove the masks, peel them off accepting the way I am now and honestly admitting I’m still working on my problems.
Ultimately, I won’t need masks; fair, equal or not. Instead, I’ll show others the living person behind them:
– Not a stranger, but
– A special, unique, authentic human being
– Someone who’s not perfect, but who wants to grow.
– Someone who has learned a little form each mask and now is truly me.
• In what specific ways does this poem describe your life?
• What masks do you have a tendency to hide behind?
• Why do your masks feel nice and secure to you?
• What does being “real” mean?
• Are you being fair to yourself and God if you always live behind your masks?
• What specific things can you do this week to begin removing your masks?
Moving Out
Needed: heavy-duty aluminum foil, tape
Form pairs, and give each person two large squares of heavy-duty aluminum foil.
Say: With your foil, create a mask by molding the foil to your partners face. Make sure to gently poke holes where your partner’s nose and mouth are so he or she can breathe while you work!
Once the masks are complete…
SAY: Be careful with the masks. Let’s go around the circle, and when we come to you, hold up your mask to your face and tell us about the most common mask you wear in real life. For example, you might pretend to be happy even when you’re sad.
• What’s one thing this group can do to help you trust God more and simply be you?
• By not hiding behind masks, will it be easier to know Jesus’ ways?
• Do you think others can judge you fairly or as an equal if you don’t have a mask?
Have youth use a few chairs and carefully tape their masks on the top of the TV wall in the Youth Center.
Gather in a closing circle.
Say: Often those who have followed God since they were young can feel like it is a chore, and wish they could just leave and go do their own thing without fear or guilt. But plenty of people who come to God later in life look back and wish they had known His way sooner. They recognize that going against God and doing their own thing has consequences, and after the thrill is gone, the consequences remain for a long time. There are plenty of people living with pain and regret who wish they had made the harder choice and chosen God’s way sooner.
Those that choose to do their own thing because life isn’t “fair” to them, have to constantly maintain many masks to protect themselves, to build themselves up. The masks make it easy for us to see ourselves as better than others. God’s way teaches us to value everyone the same. The masks we made today will stay on the wall in the Youth Center to remind us to leave our “masks” at the door when we come to church. Christ loves us no matter who we are and what we’ve done. All we need to do now is look beyond ourselves and accept His ways in our everyday life.
Dear Lord, this week we really want to make a commitment to spend more time with You, to improve our friendships, family relationships, and to really see ourselves as You do. We just need some strength to help us make the hard decisions in our spiritual journey. We pray that You will help us to see that everyone around us is precious in Your sight and that as we look in the mirror we truly see ourselves as living in your image. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you
And be gracious unto you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you
And give you peace.
Discussion Guidelines
1. What is said in the room stays in this room.
Confidentiality is vital to a healthy discussion.
2. No put-downs.
Sarcasm and unkind remarks have no place in a discussion. If someone disagrees with another’s comment, they should raise a hand and express an opinion of the comment but not of the person who made it. It is permissible to attack ideas, but not each other.
3. There is no such thing as a dumb question.
Asking questions is the best way to learn.
4. No one is forced to talk.
Anyone can remain silent about any question.
5. Only one person talks at a time.
Each person’s opinion is worthwhile and deserves to be heard. Listening is an expression of respect.
• Be respectful of others
• Don’t be mean
• Keep your hands to yourself
• Stay in your seat
• Understand there is a time and a place for everything